
Saturday, November 8, 2014

End of Week Pics

 Just a few pictures showing highlights of our week...


(I actually managed to remember to take a picture on Sunday this week--the first for a while!!!)

Here's how you can find Owen most mornings--curled up in his jammies in front of the fire. He loves to just lay here and soak up the heat. 


We decorated sugar cookies for Ellie's game. Simon sure enjoyed digging in! 


Simon is fascinated with toy cars. He apparently thought this one would run faster with a little slobber power!


Jeffrey's birthday! Here is the cake Jayme decorated for him. 


No picture


I built a door for a rabbit hutch we were blessed with. I've never done a project like this solo before (usually Bryan tackles them for me), but it was fun! Sydney and Jeffrey helped me. 

We got Raf (our smaller buck) moved today and all of our rabbits are now in their own space--and will be protected from the snow and wind this winter.


Ellie asked if I could take her picture. She's in jammies and all ready to be tucked into bed. 

I'm ready for bed too! I hope you all had a great week!


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