
Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 7-13 Picture Time

My dad let us borrow season one of a new to us show, "Elementary"--the newest CBS rendition of Sherlock Holmes.  I really didn't know what to expect, but so far I'm enjoying it.  Of course, in the back of my mind I'm kind of expecting it to go south in subsequent seasons like so many other shows on TV these days, but for now it's been something different

So since the kids are all tucked in, this blog post is going to be a quickie, as Bryan and I have a show to watch!

Sunday, September 7

Jayme enjoyed spending the time between church services at a friend's birthday party.  While there, the girls used fabric paint to decorate a shirt.  Here's what Jayme decided to doodle...

Yup--that's the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  She likes the 1980s variety, though she has seen some of the newer ones as well.

Monday, September 8

We have a butcher date for our pigs--September 29th.  That's great news.  Know what's even better?  I was able to successfully sell our extra one on Craigslist for the price I wanted--$2.25/pound hanging weight plus cut & wrap.  And I sold it on the first day!  Praise the Lord--I wasn't sure how that process would work.

Jayme is really looking forward to some fresh bacon, and I really want some more sausage!

Tuesday, September 9

Owen had a doctor appointment at the neurologist (they adjusted one of his meds due to increased seizure activity), and while we were waiting for the appointment, we walked around the fourth floor of the hospital a bit, and I snapped this picture of three of the kids.  At first it was just Ellie on the table in the middle asking me to take her picture.  Then Sydney and Jeffrey decided they couldn't be left out.  I kind of like the streams of sunlight coming in.

On another note--this day we also had my first appointment with the midwife.  Baby's heartbeat was in the 150 range, and she believes I am measuring right on track for my estimated due date of early February! Ever since our missed miscarriage between Jeffrey and Ellie, I always breathe a little easier once we hear the heartbeat after the first trimester has ended...  What an answer to prayer!

Wednesday, September 10

School is going really well!  In order to conduct an experiment on whether sound travels better through solids or gasses, Jayme had to cut two pieces of string to 30 cm each.  Here she is measuring.  She learned that it travels better through solids in case you were wondering.

Thursday, September 11

One of the many blessings of the kitchen remodel was that we were able to use cupboards we didn't need in the kitchen elsewhere in the house.  We now have extra storage in the bathroom, utility room, dining room and office--wow--that is a lot of storage!

I finally got to work in the utility room, and cleaned off all of the junk that used to be on top of our extra fridge, on the washer and dryer and along the shelf behind those appliances.  It looks so much better!

Friday, September 12

We were blessed with many cucumbers and green beans from a couple from church.  I made gallons of pickles--some freezer pickles and some are fermenting in my crock.  I've never done fermented pickles before, so I'm looking forward to trying them in a couple of days.

I worked during quiet time, and decided Ellie could use some additional instruction on safely handling a sharp knife, so she and I worked together.  She did really well cutting slices for me.

Saturday, September 13

Remember that rope ladder we started last week?  Bryan helped us finish it today!  Here he is securing it to the apple tree in the backyard for the little ones to use. The cinder block provides a step for them to get up on, and also allows the bottom of the ladder to be secure.

Jeffrey was so excited!  He got to measure the boards and mark them where they needed drilled, and help tie them on.  Ellie and Sydney love the idea of the ladder, but are too scared yet to go up more than one or two rungs.  They sure enjoyed playing together with it though!

Well, off to watch another episode. Have a great rest of your weekend!

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