It's been a challenge getting a room empty. We choose the office/Lego room since it has an outside entrance. But it also had a lot of stuff. Stuff that needed a new home.
That means our whole house is pretty much getting overhauled. A huge decluttering session if you will.
Bags to Goodwill.
A new clothes hanging space in our bedroom (old house equals closets that are more like cubby hole down the length of a wall with no real hanging we were using the closet downstairs...). This space can easily be turned into a real closet by framing around it, so it could be upgraded even more. I love how my husband comes up with good ideas like this!
A new space in the hallway upstairs for the computer.
Moving Jeffrey back downstairs into Owen's room (at least for now...if Owen starts climbing to the top bunk and beating Jeffrey up again while he's trying to sleep we will have to rethink that arrangement...)
Turning Jeffrey's old room into playroom/library. Oh yes, Simon will still be there too. Owen tries to climb into the playpen so we can't have those three together yet...
It seems to be getting worse, even though I know the contents are dwindling. We are getting close to empty--our goal is to be done by Friday so we can just relax on Saturday.
And in the midst of all this chaos, I am reminded that nothing takes the Lord by surprise. And I am confident that all things will work out for good, even when I'm struggling to find a new normal.
So I'll just count my blessings and choose rhankfulness. Here are some good bits from this process:
1. Decluttering
It's needed done for a long time, and I've been putting it off. Now with less space, it had to be done. A good kickstart. And having less stuff is freeing! I finally pitched many of the books Owen has ripped pages from. I also sorted all the too small clothes from the kids' dressers and got them into appropriate tubs in the basement. No more clothes falling out of drawers!
2. Space on our bookshelves. This goes with number one, but really makes me feel happy. I'll share this picture again. It's our picture book shelf. Notice there is now an empty shelf on the bottom. The books are not hanging off with no space. It looks so much better, and is easier for the kids to keep up. And...there is room for new books! (But just a few--don't want to overload it again!)
3. We are able to be a blessing to my Dad. I'm hoping we can show him God's love and point him to the One who can truly turn his life around. Dad will also likely be having carpal tunnel surgery in the next few months, so I'll be able to help him during his recovery. That's good.
4. I have space to hang my the bedroom! That's exciting news right there!
5. We are learning to trust the Lord more and more with the future and not rely on the plans we had. His ways are best, even when they don't always make sense to us.
So a big change, but I can already see how good has come. I'm looking forward to seeing how the Lord moves in our lives in the coming weeks and months.
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